• The Jou Nature
    The Jou Nature


We received the certificate of CO2-free energy use, we act green!

Friday, 05 June 2020
We obtain the certificate of Respira Energia that accredits the use of CO2-free energy consumption and nuclear waste in El Jou Nature until April 2021. We bet on green energy!
One of El Jou Nature's sustainable actions is the commitment to make a responsible use of clean energy that helps protect our environment. Following our purpose, we have obtained the certificate of Breathe Energy that accredits the use of CO2-free energy consumption and nuclear waste in the hotel until April 2021. We bet on green energy!

The use of CO2-free electricity helps make it possible to maintain producers who are committed to generating clean energy such as solar or wind, and avoiding other pollutants such as thermal or nuclear power plants.

In this sense, the hotel has photovoltaic panels on the roof to obtain solar energy and a biomass boiler that uses natural fuels as energy.

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© 2025 EL JOU NATURE | Eix Estels
Phone (+34) 938 240 369
Ctra el Jou s/n, 08694 Guardiola de Berguedà (Barcelona), Spain