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Quality family weekends

Wednesday, 22 February 2023
It's monday Or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... The alarm goes off and a race begins. tick tock "Let's have breakfast!" "Wow! Brush your teeth!” "Have you gotten dressed yet?" "Come on, we're late!"
The phrases in quotation marks can change but the truth is that for many families day-to-day life becomes a whirlwind, a chaos, a kind of marathon in which it never seems to arrive on time. And then the weekend comes: of course there's loads of washing and work to do, but where's the quality family time left? Finding some time to read a story together, do a "pizza-movie Friday" or take out the board games can be a good idea to find this time. But... what if we pack a small bag and go out into nature?

Today we want to talk to you about quality time and the benefits of spending this time as a family in contact with nature.
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